Book April O'Leary to Speak at Your Next Event

“Do not despise the day of small beginnings…” April knows that with time, patience and humor, you can do great things!

Despite her small beginnings as a life coach and self-published author, April O’Leary persisted and authored six more books which led to founding O’Leary Publishing, an independent book publishing company, in 2019. Her growing team has published over 40 titles since then.

Her experience growing her brand through book publishing became the catalyst for her desire to help others do the same. April is dedicated to helping professionals write books that integrate with their existing products and services to bolster their bottom line and increase their brand visibility.

Through expert guidance on signature book development, website design, and launch strategies, April ensures her clients' works often achieve #1 New Release status on Amazon. As the creator of the annual Booked Naples event and the Naples Speakers Bureau, April offers her authors a unique opportunity to launch their speaker platform. A member of both the Florida Authors and Publishers Association (FAPA) and the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), April continues to learn from the best in the industry.

She is also the host of the I'm Booked Podcast with new episodes launching each week featuring authors and other professionals in the publishing industry. I’m Booked is available on all podcast platforms.

Admittedly, her shelves, nightstand, and Kindle are full of self-help, business and spiritual books (no wonder that is what she enjoys publishing most). The current focus of her life is to learn how to “Embrace the Darkness” and take life “One day at a Time.” This is her ultimate recipe for success.

Book April for your next event and she will inspire your group to do great things too!

Talks Can Be Customized To Your Group

Why You Need to Invest in Your Personal Brand, Even if You Work for Someone Else

In 2012, April published her first book Ride the Wave: Journey to Peaceful Living. As a new life coach she found that one tool began opening doors she never could have imaged and it began her journey to creating a personal brand.

From those meager beginnings, she was able to develop courses and ran multiple conferences. She then opened O'Leary Publishing in 2019 and is known as a speaker, podcast host and inspirational marketer.

But why should you build a personal brand, and how do you do it? Do you need to do this even if you work for a company? April emphatically says 'YES!'. From the day you are born until the day you die, you are YOU. Building your career takes time and effort, just like building your personal brand.

During this talk, April will help you take inventory of your personal branding, share three specific ways to increase the value of your brand, and show you how you can start today. Taking ownership of your greatest asset, YOU, will bring lasting returns for years to come.

April's first book: Ride the Wave: Journey to Peaceful Living is a great companion for this talk.

How to Write and

Publish a Book

So you've worked in your industry for years and you know a few things... probably more than a few things.

You've lived an exciting (or miraculous) life.

You're bored with your current job (you know you could do it in your sleep) and you want to rise above the competition and maybe even change the direction of your life.

You wish you had a way to leave a meaningful legacy for your family.

Sure a trust fund is great, but what about sharing your life story with those who matter most to you?

These are just some of the reasons people publish books. The biggest question most people have is how to do it. Yes, it takes courage and confidence to tell your story (you have to muster that up) but don't let the technical questions prevent you from completing an item on your bucket list that could change your life, and the lives of countless people waiting to hear your story.

During this talk, April O'Leary will inspire you to not only have the courage to put pen to paper, but she'll share the practical reality of what it takes to write and publish a book.. here.

April's book: The Influencer's Path to Successful Publishing is a great companion for this talk.

Embrace the Darkness: Hold on the Light is Coming!

April is no stranger to darkness. In her book 'The Old Cocoon,' she recounts the tale of a butterfly that wistfully looks back at its shattered cocoon, longing to return to its days as a caterpillar.

During this talk, April will discuss the transformative power of some of the darkest moments in her life and how these periods of change introduced a new light, guiding her towards a different path. This pattern repeats itself time and again.

When we recognize that darkness invariably paves the way for new light, we can begin to welcome the dark times, trusting that the light will soon emerge.

This talk can be tailored for faith-based communities or presented in a secular context. You will be inspired to believe that, in due time, the darkness will fade, leaving you with newfound wisdom and the confidence to soar into the future. In the meantime, learn to embrace the darkness.

April's illustrated book: The Old Cocoon is a great companion for this talk.

O’Leary Publishing, 7935 Airport Pulling Rd Suite 4 #287, Naples, FL 34109

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