Author Results and Testimonials

Below you'll see some of our first-time and repeat authors whose books that have achieved a #1 New Release status on Amazon using our unique Book Launch system. We are proud to have helped them launch with some well-deserved recognition and watch their books soar into the world!

What Our Clients Say About Us

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Dr. Paul Arciero

The PRISE Life Series

“I just published my second book and, for those of you who have been fortunate enough to write a book, you know the work that goes into this endeavor. It is a true labor of love. My first book experience, writing and publishing The Protein Pacing Diet, was a tremendous amount of work, with a lot of back-and-forth Imagebetween another publisher and lots of redundancy and missed errors. While the final product was well-received as an Amazon #1 Best Seller, it was an experience I would not want to repeat.

My second book publishing experience was an absolute dream, and I have O’Leary Publishing to thank. From start to finish, they made the entire process enjoyable and tremendously rewarding. On my first day of releasing The PRISE Life: Protein Pacing for Optimal Health and Performance, I was awarded Amazon #1 Hot New Release! This was made possible because of the time, dedication, and care that April O’Leary and her team at O’Leary Publishing put in, oftentimes above and beyond what was expected. If you want to write the book of your dreams and enjoy the process while you are doing it, then O’Leary Publishing is your answer! Thanks, April and your amazing staff at O’Leary Publishing!”

Rev. Diane Scribner Clevenger

Pray Attention: 5 Sacred Meditations with Audio

“O’Leary Publishing was, in a word, (well, two words) – answered prayer. Once I realized I had no more valid excuses for not publishing my book, I asked the universe for a publisher. I didn’t want just any publisher. I asked for a small(ish) female concierge publisher that is a motivated and skilled, hip, slick, and cool entrepreneur; a visionary who is intelligent, clever, techie, ready, willing, clear, efficient, versatile, creative, social media savvy, and local. I then met her editor Heather, who introduced me to April, and I have been God-smacked ever since! April lovingly listened to me and productively coached my first book into beautiful being with divine timing. We launched on Good Friday and became Amazon’s #1 New Release within a day! I’ve been grateful ever since for what we have accomplished together that was soup to nuts amazing, and for our future of inspired projects yet to come. Check them out. Talk through the possibilities. And, if you choose O’Leary Publishing, you’ll feel richly blessed.”

Loren Culp

American Cop and WA State Gubernatorial Candidate 2020

“I had zero experience as an author before I contacted O’Leary Publishing. I knew I had a story that I wanted to get into a book and share with the world but I didn’t know-how. April O’Leary and her team of true literary professionals assisted me in doing just that. I cannot express enough my appreciation for their professionalism, assistance and leadership in helping me to see my book “American Cop” become a reality. It became an Amazon #1 Best Seller and was #1 on the Hot 100 New Books list for weeks! I could not have done it without April and her team. I now count April O’Leary as one of my true friends, you will too. If you have a story and want to share it with the world, you have found your publisher right here!”

Cathy Schaffer

Letters of Forgiveness

“I just want to say that O’Leary Publishing has done a fantastic job of getting my book ready for print and subsequent publishing. April’s team of editors and designers have produced a product that really exceeded my expectations. My book Letters of Forgiveness is a work of art inside and out because of her team. Many thanks to the O’Leary Publishing team. I highly recommend them for anyone looking to publish their book.”

June Elaine Bondy

Author of 101 Inspirations from the Heart

“O’Leary Publishing is one of a kind. April O’Leary is truly professional, caring and nurturing. Every detail is addressed. As a first time author, I had no idea what all needed to be done. April walked me through each step and made me feel so comfortable. I feel so blessed to have had this experience.”

Winston Williams

Author Under a Cloud of Sails: Memoirs of a Free Spirit

“I couldn’t have been more fortunate than to have O’Leary Publishing produce my book Under a Cloud of Sails. April O’Leary, owner and entrepreneur, has authored 5 books herself and is well familiar with the book business. Her graphic designer, editor, and photographer are excellent and the result is a book format and presentation which is exceptional. Working with these people and April herself has been a very positive experience. It has been a joy to have worked with her and her staff.”

Valentina Dimitri

Author Finally Free: Rising Above Emotional Entrapment

“Through this experience, I have learned so much about the intricacies of the publishing process. WOW. So, I want to share part of my experience with you. When I first started writing my book I researched and connected with several reputable publishers and I got a little discouraged. This was new territory for me and I was looking for clarity into what exactly the process of publishing a book required from an author. I wanted to know that I would have guidance and support along the way and that there would be a particular person assigned to me to follow me through to completion of my book, someone that I would have an ongoing connection with. I actually did start with one of the publishers but canceled the contract a few weeks later. I wasn’t getting what they had promised, instead, they were requiring of me, a number of procedures that would have taken time away from writing my book. Intuitively I was led to April O’Leary of O’Leary Publishing. She was the answer to my prayers. I’ve never encountered the combination of such professionalism and the personal care they took to make my book perfect. Their very talented professional team works together with such precision and attention to detail while holding your hand whenever you needed it. My deepest, heartfelt gratitude to all of you for a job well done. We all worked hard together with such mutual respect and made it so much fun. I wholeheartedly encourage anyone that has, even an inkling to write a book to please contact April at O’Leary Publishing”

Christine Elwart

Author Ascend to Joy: Transform Your Life Through Living Kabbalah

“As a new author, I cannot give great enough praise for O’Leary Publishing. My experience from start to finish was extraordinary! Everyone was warmly personal and yet professional. Their guidance and encouragement kept me going to the finish line.

Whether a seasoned writer or freshman author, I would highly recommend this publishing company. They met me where I was and took me where I wanted to go. A special shout- out goes to Heather and April, both of whom are experts in their field. They created the winning team and I am deeply grateful.”

Dr. Brenda Lyon

Author Haven’t You Suffered Enough? Clinically Proven Methods to Conquer Stress

“My experience with O’Leary Publishing has been amazing! My contracted Editor and I tried several publishing houses to get my book published to no avail. She then recommended O’Leary Publishing. I’ve had considerable experience publishing in the academic world but had no experience in the non-academic publishing world. I was hesitant but my Editor assured me that I would have a good experience. How right she was! April, the editorial staff and the designer have provided more than a 5 star experience in terms of EXCEPTIONAL competence and timeliness. April is also the BEST at marketing. My book was the #1 release in it’s category after 1 day!! I couldn’t be happier!”

Julie LeBriton

Author Poppy the Awesome Opossum and The Book of Runes

“O’Leary Publishing is absolutely amazing. I just launched my first children’s book with them and I couldn’t be happier! When you work with O’Leary Publishing you get a team of the very best. April O’Leary and her staff supported me every step of the way and produced the most beautiful book for me. If you have a book in you begging to get out, but you don’t know how to make it happen, this is your publisher!”

O’Leary Publishing, 7935 Airport Pulling Rd Suite 4 #287, Naples, FL 34109

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